Half serpents, werewolves, fairies and more! Pair the ancient Turkic mythological creatures to win, but remember to steer clear of the ALBASTI!

BeynLab products are made with Empathy and Love.


Beynlab'in Tarsier Maymunu şimdi Hoodie, Fermuarlı Sweatshırt ve Çantalarda!

Healthy Minds BeynLab products help customers form connections, thereby fostering relationships, empathy and strong minds.
Love Nature Beynlab products are created with Love, Empathy and Positivity to add colour to your life.
Creative Learning The desire to learn can also be nurtured! BeynLab products aim to inspire and educate through creativity, fun and play.
  • Healthy Minds BeynLab products help customers form connections, thereby fostering relationships, empathy and strong minds.
  • Love Nature Beynlab products are created with Love, Empathy and Positivity to add colour to your life.
  • Creative Learning The desire to learn can also be nurtured! BeynLab products aim to inspire and educate through creativity, fun and play.

What our customers say…

  • 5

    The warmest sweater
    I’ve ever worn!


  • 5

    The Sultan cards
    stimulate your curiosity


  • 5

    We played Albastı with the kids,
    their dad had a laughing fit!
